From Saul, age 17:
Saturday morning I woke up early to drive to the city, I got to the W's house at 8:30, just in time to ride with them to an abortion clinic for a prayer service. We got there and parked behind the building, we met up with a few other teens from our Homeschoolers 4 Life group and walked around to the front of the building.
I was kinda surprised when I saw the group of people out in the cold. There were probably thirty people with signs and Rosaries, a few I recognized, most I didn't. Fr. Tim, a local priest, and Fr. Peter West from Priests For Life were leading the group. We met up with the group and mingled for a couple minutes, then we were all called to attention and asked to move off the parking lot and onto the stones by the road, we aren't allowed to be on the clinic's property. Then Fr. Peter and Fr. Tim led us in fifteen decades of the Holy Rosary, this lasted about forty five minutes. During that time people driving by were taking notice, some drivers honked and smiled, some honked and made rude gestures, but they all saw us standing there praying, standing up for life.
At the end of the Rosary a lady came up and started talking to the priests, I couldn't hear all of what was being said, but I heard enough to know that the lady was on the fence about the issue, hopefully we gave her the right nudge to show her the truth. She was a nice woman, she didn't try to start trouble, all she did was come and voice her thoughts, that takes guts.
There is someone at this clinic every Saturday at 9:00 AM to pray the Rosary, so this is something I will definitely come to again, I just wish I lived closer to town so I could come more often.
I will end this with a closing thought, something that came to me during the reading of the Passion this morning at Mass. There are over one billion Christians in this world, if one billion people stood up and said no to something they would change the world. Jesus was beaten and killed because the good men in the crowd said nothing while the mob was screaming for his death. Evil gets powerful because good men do nothing. Who will we choose to be, the person who screams for the protection of an innocent life, or the person who condemns an innocent life to death by saying nothing?