Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Review: Once Upon a Cross

Once Upon a Cross
Reviewed by Teenage Drama Queen, 14

Once Upon A Cross by Thom Lemmons is the story of Janice, a young writer and teacher from the twentieth century and Linus, a first century carpenter in Janice’s fledgling novel. Amidst Linus’ search for the truth about the Man called Yeshua, Janice is in a search of her own: to find healing and the true peace of a God who seems like only a distant dream, or a Heavenly “Hall Monitor.” Even though her father is a pastor, Janice never accepted the saving grace of Jesus and is now stumbling blindly through her life, caught in the hatred of the man who, in her eyes, failed as a father. Linus, plagued with visions of his dead wife and child, is sure he can never love again. Then one day a man wakes Linus from sleep and orders him to build an extra cross for the crucifixion the next day. After delivering the cross to the high priests, Linus discovers that he has built a cross for the young rabbi whose radical ideas have drawn many followers. How could this Prophet possibly deserve to die? Linus sees his mark on the bloodstained cross and knows he must flee Jerusalem. He doesn’t care where he goes; he must get away, and quickly. This book cleverly combines two very different stories into a true message of healing that only Jesus can give. Both characters are searching for God’s love. The only question is, will they find it? Discover for yourself by reading Once Upon a Cross by Thom Lemmons, an awesome message of searching, healing, and grace.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pro-Life T-Shirt Day

American Life League's National Pro-life T-shirt Day is April 24

Every year in America the plague of abortion takes the lives of more than 1,200,000 human beings. On April 24, warn the world. Wear a shirt with a pro-life message on ALL's National Pro-life T-shirt Day and join thousands of kids, teens and adults in the fight to stop abortion!

Want to show where you stand by wearing the official shirt of National Pro-life T-shirt Day? Please place your order today. April 10 is the last day to order in time to have your “What part of abortion don't you understand?” T-shirt delivered in time for April 24. Click on the shirt to order online, or call 866-LET-LIVE.
[See the attached file]
Official shirt of National Pro-life T-shirt Day
April 24, 2007
$6 each / plus shipping and handling

Adult shirts available in S / M / L / XL / XXL
Youth shirts available in YM / YL
Order online or call toll-free 866-LET-LIVE
Last day to order is April 10!

For specials offers at clearance prices, see our CLOSEOUT page!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pro-Life Baby Shower

From Jake Plus:

Hey all I just got this from the Stand True newsletter and it sounds like a great idea. Check it out.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

New Pro-Life Club

Homeschooled Teen Pro-Life Club
by Kathryn Turner

We home schooled teenagers have decided that enough is enough: the world needs to know about what’s happening under the guise of a “Woman’s Choice.” Abortion: it’s one of those things that people hear about, but do they truly know all the facts? After the March for Life, we decided that it was time for us to reach out and show the world the true, horrifying facts about abortion.

We decided to form a Pro-Life group.

Not only were we able to get a few of the March for Lifers, but we also got a few people who hadn’t gone with us.

March 2nd was the first official meeting for the H4L (Homeschoolers 4 Life) Pro-Life group. Held near the capitol, a total of nine teens gathered to get it started: Joy F., Charles F., Jacob S., Laura W., Paul F., Christian O., Catherine B., Rebekah S., and Mary O.

Other members weren’t able to show, due to sickness.

During the meeting, we discussed the vision for our teen pro-life club, and what we’d like to do to benefit the pro-life cause. In daily prayer, each group member was asked to pray for a spiritually adopted unborn child, and for this month, to also pray everyday for Michigan’s Governor, Jennifer Granholm.

For our plans in the future, we want to raise money for Pro-Life organizations, for attending the March for Life, and other such pro-life activities.

We’re also looking into Legislative Day, and praying in front of clinics that perform abortions.

It is a work in progress, but all good things have to start small: just like all humans start out in their mother’s womb. Hopefully, the word will spread, and more people will join our group. These babies need all the help they can get, and we’re going to try to give them just that.

If you are interested in organizing a Pro-Life group of your own, you can get information at Generations for Life.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Homeschoolers Rock in the Science Olympiad

Homeschoolers take regional middle and high school Science Olympiad competition by storm. Read more HERE.